Benkua bucks basketball suit No. 34 letter brother basketball suit warrior basketball suit hot city basketball suit boys' and children's basketball suit team customized group purchase

Benkua bucks basketball suit No. 34 letter brother basketball suit warrior basketball suit hot city basketball suit boys' and children's basketball suit team customized group purchase


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Color, size, Buck green 34 letter brother, Buck black 34 letter brother, Buck white 34 letter brother, Buck green 34 letter brother with deer head, Buck black 34 letter brother with deer head, Buck white 34 letter brother with deer head, hot h Black 3 Wade, hot h Pink 3 Wade, hot h white 3 Wade, 4XS (children's recommended height 100-120cm), 3xs (children's recommended height 121-135cm), 2xs (children's recommended height 136-144cm), XS (recommended height for children 145-149cm), s (recommended height for children 150-154cm), m (recommended height for children 155-159cm), l (recommended height for adults 160-165cm), XL (recommended height for adults 165-170cm), 2XL (recommended height for adults 170-175cm), 3XL (recommended height for adults 175-180cm), 4XL (recommended height for adults 180-185cm), 5XL (recommended height for adults 185-190cm),

by United States
would have been 5 stars but it took WAY TOO LONG TO COME????????‍♀️????????‍♀️

by United States
very happy with the product and would buy again from this seller.

by United States
The shoes are nice, the feet are comfortable, and they are light.I recommended it to my friend because it was so good

by United States
My feet usually are sore after being on them all day but not anymore I wore these for a 4 day trip to Disney World of walking over 5 miles a day and standing in lines for hours and my feet never hurt I was so impressed of how comfortable and how light they were

by United States
Shoes version is very good, with jeans casual pants is also very good-looking, cost-effective shoes, like the people can get it

by United States
The shoe box I bought is protected by two boxes and is highly recommended to anyone who wants high quality shoes!